Coming Up...
Explore Resource Sessions
MYCN Explore resource Sessions on Zoom - 1 evening each month, starting September ’24 until April ‘25.
Explore is an exciting online resource from MYCN! Its sessions are based on volunteer training materials used to grow missional youth churches in Bradford and south London. With over 140 youth leaders already signed up online, we now want to make this accessible to others through the convenience of monthly Zoom sessions, giving youth leaders and team members across the country the opportunity to learn together.
Are you part of a team seeking to reach unchurched young people in your local area? What is your vision? What tools and support will equip you to start building relationships, forming groups and share Jesus? How can we use good safeguarding when working with unchurched teens? What about discipleship or worship?
Explore is a multi-session, video-based resource designed to equip you and your team to connect with local teens, listen to their voices, build church and enable them to begin a journey towards faith. Starting on 23rd September, we’re offering a monthly evening session on Zoom each month. Come with your team or on your own. Zoom in with us from 7.30pm till 9pm on the dates below.
Tues 4th February - 7:30pm - 9:00pm
Session 6 - Get Connected! How can we best connect with young people?
Monday 8th March - 7:30pm - 9:00pm
Session 7 - Join Up! How can we build a community in which our young people can grow, feel safe, loved and valued?
Tuesday 1st April - 7:30pm - 9:00pm
Session 8 - Learn it! In this Session we’re looking at exploring discipleship with young people – how we can tell and teach them about Jesus
Our Next Learning Community
Thursday 13th February 2025 10:30-3:30
Are you working with young people in your local area? What tools could help you share Jesus and take unchurched young people into discipleship and worship? MYCN has developed a range of tools to equip churches and teams to connect with their local young people and help them journey towards discipleship, whilst developing new worshipping communities.
We work with over 40 projects across the country who each engage with unchurched young people and develop pathways from initial engagement to youth discipleship and worship. They enable teenagers to become young leaders and team members.
We’re inviting youth leaders, church leaders and team members to join us zoom to hear stories and explore practical ways to reach unchurched young people. Learn how to begin a journey with your local young people that leads to discipleship.
This Learning community will be a cost of £10 per person, this includes a complimentary lunch. Please book using the link below;
For those joining on zoom, please use this link;
Join Zoom Meeting;
Our Next Prayer Space
We have much to rejoice in and yet more to pray for.
We will be gathering online to pray and you're welcome to join us every first Thursday of the month on zoom from 9:15am-10:00am
The next PRAYER SPACE will be; Thursday 6th February 2025
Topic: MYCN Prayer Space
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 836 6489 2503
Our Next Residential
Our Next residential will take place in Spring 2025, at Scargill House in the Yorkshire Dales ( from Friday 16th May until Sunday 18th May 2025.
Here is the eventbrite link;
See you soon,
The MYCN Team