Meet the Team
Please find below an introduction to our members of staff.
Andy Milne – Team Leader of MYCN |
Steffen Seiler – MYCN Strategic Lead |
Andy Milne is married to Tracy, has a son named Sam and a dog called Dude! Andy is a Church Army Evangelist who began pioneering Sorted with his wife Tracy. Beginning as a youth church, often reaching teens from deprived areas; Sorted grew and eventually multiplied as new youth fresh expressions were started. Young adult and young family groups followed as teens turned into twenties. ‘By young people, for young people’ has become a way to describe how young people increasingly get involved in Sorted’s teamwork (with the support of adults) often becoming leaders themselves as they reach young adulthood. Andy wrote ‘The DNA of Pioneer Ministry’ with Mike Moynagh to tell the story and help others learn from what has happened so they might begin a fresh expression themselves.
Contact Andy here
Steffen joined the MYCN team in May 2022. Originally from Germany, he moved with his family to the UK in 2019. He's been a part of a pastoral team in a church in Germany and Bradford before his current role. He has studied Theology and works part time for a charity called ROOTED IN in Allerton (one of the council estates in Bradford). His passion is to see young people's lives transformed, by the power of the Holy Spirit and he has a huge heart to bring the Gospel to people and groups that have never heard of it. He loves to spend time with his family, is a whiskey connoisseur and supports Liverpool football club with all his heart.
Contact Steffen here |
Paul Ward - MYCN Development Officer |
Paul is married to Laura and has two teenage boys Jacob and Aidan. He lives in Nottingham and is a commissioned Church Army Evangelist of 17 years. Before and during that time he has been involved in a variety of youth and community work projects in deprived outer city estates leading to a youth church and a new worshipping community. He is a youth volunteer in his church with Woven Youth.
For the last 5 years he has co-founded a charity called Break the Chains CIO who he works for part-time and he has trained in Mentoring, Coaching and Spiritual Accompaniment. He accompanies a number of Christian leaders and He is passionate about praying for people and training others to do the same in order to see God The Holy Spirit transforming lives. |
If you need to contact us then please visit the Contact Us page.
MYCN works with other denominations in two ways:
1. Locally - we help in the drawing up of partnerships between churches, schools, mission agencies etc.
2. Nationally - MYCN is an initiative of Church Army UK.
MYCN also has a firm partnership with Fresh Expressions UK, many C of E Dioceses, and ecumenical links. We have integrated learning from the experiences of organisations such as The Message Trust, Youth for Christ and Resource Churches, whilst providing new opportunities to pioneer in places as yet untouched by youth church planting.